Data dodania: 2022-06-15
Seminarium Wydziału FTiMS – 20.06.2022 r.
W dniu 20 czerwca (poniedziałek) o godzinie 13:15 w sali 2/07 Centrum Nanotechnologii A
Prof. Ulrich Parlitz
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen, Germany
wygłosi wykład pt. "The Nonlinear Dynamics of the Heart”
Cardiac muscle is an excitable medium that exhibits complex dynamics, including spatiotemporal chaos associated with (life-threatening) cardiac arrhythmias. On a small scale, cardiac tissue consists of interacting cardiomyocytes embedded in an extracellular matrix. The beating cardiomyocytes form a dynamic network that supports the propagation of excitation waves. These waves can transform into spiral or snail waves (also called rotors), resulting in tachycardia with impaired pumping. In a further transition, the excitation waves may become even more complex, with spatiotemporal chaos leading to complete loss of pump function. This condition is life-threatening in ventricular fibrillation if not treated immediately and terminated by electrical defibrillation shocks. In the presentation, we will discuss the dynamic properties of cardiac tissue and theoretical concepts to characterize complex cardiac dynamics such as phase singularities. Furthermore, different measurement methods such as optical mapping or 4D ultrasound as well as methods and examples for data-driven modeling of cardiac dynamics will be introduced. New approaches to control and termination of cardiac arrhythmias will also be presented. In this context we will discuss the potential role of transient chaos in excitable media and the resulting consequences for control strategies.
CAETS Communication Prize 2025
74 Olimpiada Fizyczna na WFTiMS