Międzynarodowa szkoła letnia organizowana dla studentów i pracowników uczelni przez Uniwersytet L'Aquila we Włoszech | FTiMS - Politechnika Gdańska


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Data dodania: 2022-06-30

Międzynarodowa szkoła letnia organizowana dla studentów i pracowników uczelni przez Uniwersytet L'Aquila we Włoszech

Międzynarodowa szkoła letnia organizowana dla studentów i pracowników uczelni przez Uniwersytet L'Aquila we Włoszech
Blended Intensive Program in Mathematical Models in Social Innovation (BIP-MMiSI) which will be held at DISIM - University of L’Aquila.

The program will be composed by an online preparatory modulus in the period July 25 - 29, 2022 and September 1-2, 2022, and by an in presence week hosted by the D.I.S.I.M. (Department of Information Engineering, Computer Sciences and Mathematics) of the University of L'Aquila in the period September 5 - 10, 2022. please visit the website at this https://sites.google.com/view/twmm2022/bip-mathematical-models-in-social innovations for further information.

All the students who wish to join BIP-MMiSI must be currently enrolled at a MSc or PhD course in one of the following disciplines:

  1. mathematics,
  2. applied mathematics,
  3. physics,
  4. engineering,
  5. or similar subjects.

Participation of students coming from Erasmus partners institutions can be supported by the (short term) Erasmus agreement. Participation to the BIP-MMiSI entitles to the recognition of at least 3 ECTS.

Please contact us (simone.fagioli@univaq.it) for further information about the students recruitment process.

Selected students should also use the following link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=fIrwndcxJECbpl7V76waAXDbNzAEI4NJov_u2VquvpdUNTlPMkdMVFdWVVFVN0kyWFJTVTEySUg5WS4u

The BIP-MMiSI is part of a two weeks event organised at DISIM - University of L’Aquila. Please visit the following link for further information https://www.intermaths.eu/twmm2022.

102 wyświetleń