Data dodania: 2022-01-18
Relay request for the EPS Forum - 2 - 4 June 2022, Sorbonne University, Paris
Szanowni Państwo Przewodniczący,
Przesyłam poniżej informację o EPS FORUM skierowanym do młodych fizyków a poświęconego związkom fizyki/nauki z przemysłem, społeczeństwem itp.
Chętni mogą się rejestrować od 1.02.2022. Organizatorzy zapewniają
zakwaterowanie i wyżywienie. Bardzo proszę o przekazanie tej informacji
zainteresowanym z Państwa Oddziałów. Ten sam komunikat jest dostępny na
stronie PTF.
Z poważaniem
Bogdan Kowalski
Prof. dr hab. Bogdan J. Kowalski
Sekretarz Generalny
Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne
Dear Colleague,
The European Physical Society (EPS) joins forces with its 42 Member
Societies, 18 Divisions and Groups and 40 Associate Members to organise
the first edition of the EPS FORUM that will take place on-site at
Sorbonne University, Paris, from the 2nd to the 4th of June 2022.
The first and second days of the Forum will specially be designed for
master, doctoral students and post-docs in physics welcomed from all
over Europe: They will be offered accommodation and meals by the EPS.
The purpose of the first Day (2 June 2022 - « PHYSICS MEETS INDUSTRY
») is to:
- Make our young graduates discover the beautiful physics made in large
industries, SMEs and startups;
- Promote the doctoral degree to physics-based companies and offer them
access to a pool of young doctors in physics;
- Encourage cross-exchanges between companies, organisations and young
physicists in order to bring the industrial and academic sectors
The second Day (3 June 2022) will consist of a « SCIENTIFIC AND
SOCIETAL COLLOQUIUM » and host a general conference in physics around
the following scientific themes:
- Condensed matter physics: from quantum materials to additive
- Energy and sustainability
- Accelerators, high-energy particle physics, nuclear physics
- Quantum technologies and photonics
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence
- Biophysics, technological sequencing of proteins, pandemic, cancer
More than 40 academic partners, large industrial groups, medium and
small-sized companies as well as leading start-ups have already
positively responded to our invitation, including Thales Alenia Space,
Airbus-France, Euclid Consortium, ELI Beamlines, CNRS, CEA, CERN,
GSI-Darmstadt, IBA, AGS Superconductor, COSYLAB, TRUMPF, IBM, Zeiss and
Quandela. Highlights for Day 2 will include plenary talks by three
Prize Laureates: J. Michael Kosterlitz (Nobel Prize in Physics 2016),
Brown University, Providence, USA; Barry Barish (Nobel Prize in Physics
2017), Linde Professor of Physics, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, USA; and Serge Haroche (Nobel Prize in Physics 2012), ENS &
Collège de France, Paris, France.
The third Day (4 June 2022) will be devoted to the EPS Council.
More information on the EPS Forum and Council 2022 is available on the
website: HTTPS://EPSFORUM.ORG/ [2], where you will find more
on the programme and the complete list of our partners.
An updated programme can also be found here:
Registration will open on this website on 1 FEBRUARY 2022. Please, note
that the number of places is limited. Registration will be on a first
come, first served basis.
You will also find attached the official POSTER [4]and a FLYER [5] of
this event.
We kindly ask you to advertise the above and enclosed information about
the EPS Forum as widely as possible before the end of this year towards
the research institutes and universities that you collaborate with.
In advance I thank you very much for your cooperation and take the
present opportunity to wish you an excellent New Year 2022.
Very best regards,
Luc Bergé
President, European Physical Society
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