• 2023-10-17

    Gdańsk Tech and the Order of the Twisted Oak – a field game

    Gdańsk Tech Library and the Institute of Applied Mathematics (Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics) invite everyone interested to take part in the next edition of our mysterious field game, this time called: Gdańsk Tech and the Order of the Twisted Oak.    We invite everyone to take part in the game between the 23rd and the 31st of October. On the 23rd of October, the rules and...

  • 2023-06-27

    Gdańsk Workshop on Graph Theory, June 26-30

    This is the eighth edition of this event, which this year takes place in Sopot, at the Eureka Hotel.  The annual workshops are an excellent opportunity to meet scientists from around the world, establish new collaborations and interactions and promote research in the field of graph theory and combinatorics. This year's event has been additionally enriched with a number of activities for...

  • 2023-04-28

    Prof. Agnieszka Bartłomiejczyk the new Chair of the UKZJK

    According to Circular Letter 17/2023 dated April 17, 2023. The Rector of Gdańsk Tech appointed Prof. Agnieszka Bartlomiejczyk as the Chair of the University Committee for the Assurance of Education Quality. The Commission, together with its counterparts at the Faculties and Teaching Centers, is part of the University's System for Quality Assurance and Improvement of Education, a solution for...

  • 2023-03-16

    Prof Agnieszka Bartłomiejczyk is the laureate of TECHNETIUM program

    The project "From theory to applications in mathematical modelling", which will be carried out under the supervision of prof. Agnieszka Bartłomiejczyk from the Institute of Applied Mathematics, received funding under the Technetium Talent Management Grants program - a program whose idea is to support academic teachers who take care of particularly gifted students. The main objective of the...

  • 2023-01-18

    Groups of Manifold Transformations: dynamical and probabilistic point of view

    Prof. Tomasz Szarek, PhD. Eng. from the Institute of Applied Mathematics will be implementing a new research project financed by the National Science Centre. The project title is: „Groups of Manifold Transformations: dynamical and probabilistic point of view". Professor Tomasz Szarek will be conducting research tasks of the project in cooperation with scientific units from Chile, France, the...

  • 2022-12-05

    "Mathematics for Society”

    On November 24-25, the workshop "Mathematics for Society 2022: Health, Industry and Sustainable Development" was held at our Faculty. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the effectiveness of various advanced tools in industrial mathematics and medical data analysis, especially in the context of the inter-faculty OPT iGEN SANITAS project, implemented at Gdańsk University of Technology under...

  • 2022-04-07

    Success of Mathematics students at the conference DWUMiAN

    We are pleased to announce that the 3rd year students of Mathematics - Dawid Ptach and Magdalena Wodniczak were successful at the Students' Conference on Applied Mathematics of DwuMian. The DwuMian conference organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences of the Warsaw University of Technology and the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw...

  • 2022-03-30

    Dr. Agnieszka Bartłomiejczyk, Prof of GUT, the winner of the second edition of the URANIUM competition

    Dr. Agnieszka Bartłomiejczyk, prof. of GUT, is the author and manager of a project promoting Gdańsk University of Technology among youth from secondary schools. The project "On a journey with mathematics and physics" received funding under the URANIUM SUPPORTING COOPERATION WITH HIGH SCHOOLS competition carried out by the IDUB program to improve the quality of education of students and...