The cooperation offer of the Institute of Applied Mathematics includes:

  • consultancy in the field of data analysis, models used in insurance and in derivatives;
  • modeling alternative methods of conflict resolution;
  • mathematical analysis of clinical data, including the use of topological invariants (entropy, persistent homologies) and measures of complexity in the study of ECG and EEG records;
  • creating and analyzing mathematical models in neurodynamics, epidemiology, gene expression, X-ray optics, acoustics (vortex movements generated by ultrasound);
  • numerical study of the concentration and dispersion of X-ray waves on lenses made of beryllium and aluminum;
  • study of atoms and ions using the Hartree-Fock method;
  • elaboration and analysis of models in elastic mechanics, including equations of beams and bars, equations of plates and shells, equations of stratospheric balloons;
  • statistical analysis of medical, biomedical, environmental and technical data, including descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, regression models (linear and logistic regression), survival analysis, exploratory data analysis (factor analysis, principal component analysis, classification, big data);
  • simulation of deterministic and random processes and mathematical models using the R language, in particular specific epidemiological forecasts;
  • reliability and survival function analysis;
  • forecast theory, including stochastic differential equations, AR / and / MA / X models, etc.