Scientific Awards of „Polityka”
Until June 8th, 2022, young scientist can send their applications for the 22nd edition of the Polityka Science Awards. The list of the 15 finalists will be published on September 14th , and the list of winners will be announced in October. Since 2001, the Polityka Foundation has been running a scholarship program for young scientists called "Stay with us!" - since 2011, under the name of...
Research Fellowship Program - Japan
Research Fellowship Program for post-doctoral researchers up to 49 years of age in the area of natural, engineering and medical sciences. Eligibility Requirements: applicants of non-Japanese nationality who meet all the following requirements are eligible to submit application documents, applicants must obtain an invitation (acceptance) letter from a host institution in Japan prior to...
L’Oréal International Awards in Physical sciences, Mathematics and Computer science – 2023 Call for nomination
The 2023 edition of the International Awards will designate five outstanding scientific researchers in the field of Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, working in the following regions: Africa and the Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America. One candidate will be selected for each of the five regions, the...
„Freedom starts with your mind” – Grant program for scientists from Ukraine
The Kościuszko Foundation is launching a new grant program for scientists - citizens of Ukraine who, as a result of the invasion of Russia, found themselves in Poland and are unable to continue their scientific work in Ukraine. The program aims to support people who are unable to return to their home country and continue their academic work. The grants will allow scientists to continue their...
Taiwan scholarships for students ans researchers from Ukraine
Concerned by the crisis in Ukraine, Taiwan offers scholarships to Ukrainian students and researchers. Applications may be submitted until further notice. The program includes scholarship offers for: STUDENTS: of bachelor's, master's and doctoral studies. Number of scholarships: until there are places available May apply: citizens of Ukraine Fields: (1) humanities and social...
Joint research projects Poland-Germany
The National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and German Academic Exchange Center (DAAD) invite to submit applications funding joint research projects carried out by scientists from the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany. The aim of the recruitment is to support the mobility of scientists carrying out research projects agreed and conducted jointly by eligible Applicants...
Common research projects between Poland and France - PHC Polonium
The National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has opened a call for applications for joint research projects between Poland and France. Grants support the mobility of scientists carrying out research projects in Polish-French teams. The financing is intended to cover the costs of travel and stay of Polish scientists in the partner country. The aim of the call for applications is to support...
Success of Mathematics students at the conference DWUMiAN
We are pleased to announce that the 3rd year students of Mathematics - Dawid Ptach and Magdalena Wodniczak were successful at the Students' Conference on Applied Mathematics of DwuMian. The DwuMian conference organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences of the Warsaw University of Technology and the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw...