Visit of Prof. Michael Henning at the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-05-20

Visit of Prof. Michael Henning at the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics

University of Johannesburg

Professor Michael Hening from the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa, will visit our Faculty between 23rd and 27th May. Professor Henning was invited to our Faculty by dr. Magda Dettlaff and dr. Magdalena Lemańska, who are engaged in scientific collaboration with our guest. Professor Henning is visiting us within the Erasmus+ program.

During the visit, Prof Henning will give a scientific seminar titled Upper bounds on the domination and total domination numbers of a graph in terms of minimum degree, that will be held on Friday 27th May at 11:00 in room no. 121. We cordially invite all students and staff members to this exciting event!


Abstract-Michael-Henning-Gdansk-seminar-talk (pdf, 106.44kB)

Professor Henning's CV:

Michael_Henning_short_CV_28February2020 (pdf, 71.39kB)