• 2022-07-18

    3rd IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP)

    We are pleased to inform you that the 3rd IAEA Maria Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) application period is now open and will close on September 30, 2022.  To read more about the programme and eligibility requirements please visit the link: IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme | IAEA and Information for applicants | IAEA. This year IAEA aims to select 150...

  • 2022-07-14

    ERC Starting Grant

    Are you a talented early-career scientist who has already produced excellent supervised work, is ready to work independently and shows potential to be a research leader? The ERC Starting Grant could be for you. Who can apply? Researchers of any nationality with 2-7 years of experience since completion of PhD (Extensions are possible under certain circumstances — see the latest ERC Work...

  • 2022-07-14

    Visegrad-Taiwan Scholarships

    Visegrad–Taiwan Scholarships facilitate academic mobility between the V4 region and Taiwan by providing financial support to PhD candidates and doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, who are citizens of the V4 countries, to study/conduct research at selected higher-education institutions in Taiwan. Visegrad–Taiwan Scholarships offer funding for PhD candidates (early-stage researchers),...

  • 2022-07-11

    Seminars of the Advanced Materials Center

    On July 14, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. in Auditorium 1 of the New ETI building (No. 42) the first of a series of scientific seminars will be held, in which the Board of the Advanced Materials Center invites you to participate. Meetings will be prepared in a hybrid form and intended for all those interested and involved in material research. Short papers will be presented in English by scientists of...

  • 2022-06-30

    International summer school organized for students and Gdańsk Tech staff by the University of L'Aquila in Italy

    Blended Intensive Program in Mathematical Models in Social Innovation (BIP-MMiSI) which will be held at DISIM - University of L’Aquila. The program will be composed by an online preparatory modulus in the period July 25 - 29, 2022 and September 1-2, 2022, and by an in presence week hosted by the D.I.S.I.M. (Department of Information Engineering, Computer Sciences and Mathematics)...

  • 2022-06-28

    Perspektywy 2022 – where are we?

    In this year's rankings of Perspektywy 2022 - Universities and Degrees of Studies - Gdańsk University of Technology was among the leaders. 6th place among academic universities in Poland. 3rd place among Polich technical universities. Perspektywy 2022 is also a ranking of the most popular fields of study, which is an organized set of information about fields of study at Polish...

  • 2022-06-28

    Registration to the Scattering Theory international summer schools is now open!

    The Scattering Theory summer school is the first event organized within the ScienceApp - intensive international education programs in the field of applied sciences project, which received funding from the SPINAKER program of the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). In the frame of this project, the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics will conduct 8 summer schools related to...

  • 2022-06-15

    Seminar at the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics – 20th June, 2022

    Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics invites students and staff members to a seminar of Prof. Ulrich Parlitz from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen, Germany. The seminar will take place on 20th June (Monday) at 13:15 in Nanotechnology Center A, room 2/07. Prof. Ulrich Parlitz will give a talk entitled: „The Nonlinear Dynamics of the...