"Night of Dead Scientists" | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-10-27

"Night of Dead Scientists"

AKN, KOS and KNoM invite everyone to this year's student event entitled "Night of Dead Scientists". October 27th from 6 to 9 pm at CNA

Lectures by students’ scientific clubs and by special guest Prof Bogusław Kusz, on the theme of Halloween, are planned. Among other things, you will learn about the magic of quantum physics, what fate awaits the Universe and what materials are used in horror movies. For all those interested, there will be an opportunity to participate in a Halloween costume contest, where there will be prizes to be won (sign up before the event here: https://forms.gle/31joNo58UcFHPKUK7). Throughout the event, there will be an opportunity to approach the stands of the scientific clubs and talk about their ongoing projects, as well as many Halloween games, i.e. apple fishing or guessing the amount of candy in a jar.

The event will be held on 27.10.2022 on the premises of the Nanotechnolgy Center A of the Gdansk University of Technology, from 6 to 9 pm.

Link to the event: https://facebook.com/events/s/noc-martwych-naukowcow/2748226675311386/