Research opportunities financed by the Bavarian Ministry of Science and Arts
There's a wealth of support to help you finance your research in Bavaria. Along with competitive salaries and a high standard of living, it is easy to see why the region is so attractive to international researchers. In Germany, and Bavaria particularly, you will find many funding opportunities to support your research. Among them you can distinguish: Short-Term Research Stays, PhD...
BAYHOST scholarship programs sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria
One-year scholarship program sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria for graduates of Central, Eastern and Southeastern European states for the funding year 2023/24. The Free State of Bavaria will sponsor scholarships for the academic year 2023/24. Graduates (with appropriate citizenship) from Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine are...
Scholarships for the new students – apply now
First and second-degree international students who started their studies at Gdańsk Tech on a tuition fee payment basis in October 2022, may apply for a scholarship for outstanding academic achievement. Applications can be submitted until November 20, the results will be announced on December 9. Applications for scholarships may be submitted by foreigners newly enrolled for I and II cycle...
How to detect a virus in immediate surroundings?
Researchers from Gdańsk University of Technology are working on an innovative technology for detection of SARS-CoV-2 and other influenza viruses in wastewater. Due to a simple and inexpensive solution, it is possible to increase the safety of institutions such as schools, kindergartens, or nursing homes. The project will receive almost PLN 800 thousand as part of the “Science for Society”...
Call for Nominations – BIT CSC-Graduate program, Exchange program and Winter program
Beijing Institute of Technology is opening a call for nominations for 3 programs in 2023, including CSC-Graduate programs, Exchange programs and Winter „Cloud Lessons” program. CSC-Graduate Programs (degree program) Overview of the CSC full scholarship: The CSC full scholarship covers the tuition fees, free university dormitory or accomodation subsidy, comprehensive medical...
No classes on November 2nd untill 12:00 pm.
Due to the All Saints' Day falling on November 1st, there will be no classes on Wednesday, November 2nd until 12:00 pm (including laboratory classes).
Call for applications under the PLUTONIUM and TECHNETIUM programs (24.10 – 09.12.2022)
Plutonium Supporting Student Research Teams The aim of the Program is to suport the activities of student research clubs, which constitute the natural environment for the selection of leaders of research groups, organizational leaders and leaders initiating new research ares. Budget and project financing conditions: The application for funding under the Program may be submitted by the...
"Night of Dead Scientists"
AKN, KOS and KNoM invite everyone to this year's student event entitled "Night of Dead Scientists". October 27th from 6 to 9 pm at CNA Lectures by students’ scientific clubs and by special guest Prof Bogusław Kusz, on the theme of Halloween, are planned. Among other things, you will learn about the magic of quantum physics, what fate awaits the Universe and what materials are used in horror...