Date added: 2022-12-05
Call for applications under the FRANCIUM program (5.12–18.12.2022)
Scholarship recipients
Applications for the scholarship may be submitted by participants in the Doctoral School of the second, third or fourth year who meet the minimum conditions, i.e:
– for all applicants:
- a positive opinion of the supervisor on the progress of the research work;
– for doctoral students of the third and fourth year of the Doctoral School:
- having at least one scientific article published or manuscript accepted for publication in a journal indexed in Scopus or Web of Science in which the doctoral student is the first or second author, which was written after the start of training and is substantively related to the future dissertation;
- to include in the application a statement by the doctoral student about the substantive connection of the article.
Applications may also be submitted by doctoral students after the fourth year who have obtained an extension of their training at the Doctoral School, and previously the payment of their pro-quality scholarships was suspended.
Funding conditions
- The pro-quality academic scholarship in the Program is PLN 2,500 per month.
- The scholarship is awarded for a period of 12 months - for a given academic year. If the competition is announced during the academic year, the scholarship is paid with compensation from October of that academic year.
- Scholarships are paid only by transfer to the account indicated by the doctoral student in the computer system of the university MojaPG.
Please note: Only publications in English or another congressional language are considered for the competition, excluding works published in the following publications from the so-called "Business Model Open Access" group: BioMed Central, Copernicus Publications, Dove Medical Press, Frontiers, Hindawi, MDPI, Open Library of Humanities, PLOS, International Business Information Management Association, as well as the European Research Studies Journal.
Deadline for recruitment
The call for applications in the program will be conducted from December 5 to 18, 2022, 11:59 p.m.
How to apply?
- The call for applications in the program will be conducted from December 5 to 18, 2022, 11:59 p.m. The date and time of receipt of the email inbox will count.
- The application should be signed by the doctoral student and promotor before submission and sent from the doctoral student's university email inbox in the domain or The application should be accompanied by the attachments required by the regulations.
- The application should be accompanied by evidence of the achievements indicated in the application, including printouts of records from the MojaPG system (profile Science > tab N-B works) concerning scientific publications.
- The application should be reviewed by the applicant's supervisor before submission.
- Applications (with required signatures and attachments) should be submitted in electronic version (pdf format) to the Doctoral School Office at the address In the tilte of the email, please indicate the name of the program: FRANCIUM and the first and last name, year and abbreviation of the educational discipline. Applications sent to a different school email address will not be considered.
New intercultural program – apply now