Date added: 2023-04-27
Three Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) at the University of L’Aquila

The three BIPs will revolve around applied mathematics viewed as an interdisciplinary area at the interface with engineering, physics, economy, geology, biology, and social sciences. More specifically, the programmes are:
- Modelling Earthquakes (ME-BIP), based on the study of stochastic and elastodynamics equations for earthquake dynamics. The coordinator is Dr. Simone Fagioli.
- Mathematical Models for Natural Disasters (MMND-BIP), based on the study of reaction-diffusion, elastodynamic and fluid dynamics equations. The coordinator is Dr. Federica Di Michele.
- Modelling and Simulations of Social-Behavioural Phenomena (MMiSI-BIP), based on the study of reaction-diffusion-aggregation equations and conservation laws. The coordinator is Dr. Donato Pera.
Suitable Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing techniques will be introduced in all BIPs.
At the end of the programme, students will receive a transcript of records from the University of L’Aquila to certify the awarding of 3 ECTS credits.
Dr. Simone Fagioli is one of the tenured associate professors in my group here in L’Aquila. He is quite active in the field of mathematical modelling, most remarkably opinion formation, traffic and pedestrian flows.
Dr. Federica Di Michele is a researcher at INGV (Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology). She is active in artificial intelligence, machine learning and earthquake dynamics modelling.
Dr. Donato Pera is an assistant professor in my group here in L’Aquila and he is active in high-performance computing, earthquake dynamics modelling and reaction-diffusion equations.
Each of said programmes will consist of
- an online preparatory module (15 hours) in the period May 29 – June 30, 2023
- and an onsite week in the period July 3 - 8, 2023 hosted by D.I.S.I.M. (Department of Information Engineering, Computer Sciences and Mathematics) of the University of L'Aquila.
For further information, visit:
Our BIPs are open to the participation of students enrolled in the last year of a bachelor, or at a master's or at a PhD course in one of the following disciplines: mathematics, applied mathematics, physics and geophysics, engineering, geology, or similar subjects. Participation of students coming from Erasmus partner institutions can be supported by the (short-term) Erasmus mobility.
Interested students should be filling out the online application form.
Contact details:
- Students and faculties should contact us at
- For information about the students' recruitment process, please contact the International Relations Office at the University of L'Aquila:
Researchers and Professors can also join, covered by your university through Erasmus Staff or Teaching Mobility scholarship. The availability of funds for this depends on your institution.
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