Research opportunities financed by the Bavarian Ministry of Science and Arts | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-11-10

Research opportunities financed by the Bavarian Ministry of Science and Arts

Flag of Germany on the building

There's a wealth of support to help you finance your research in Bavaria. Along with competitive salaries and a high standard of living, it is easy to see why the region is so attractive to international researchers.

In Germany, and Bavaria particularly, you will find many funding opportunities to support your research. Among them you can distinguish:

  1. Short-Term Research Stays,
  2. PhD Funding,
  3. Funding for Postdocs,
  4. Funding for Your Own Research Group,
  5. Funding for Established Researchers,
  6. Funding for Threatened Researchers whose life, freedom or career is at stake, and those who are forced to flee or have been displaced because of such threats.

A list of all research opportunities available in Bavaria can be found here.