Kosciuszko Foundation, the Exchange Program to the United States | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-08-03

Kosciuszko Foundation, the Exchange Program to the United States

Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarships
The oldest scholarship program of the Kosciuszko Foundation, the Exchange Program to the United States, enables Polish scholars to carry out research, artistic or study projects at accredited institutions of higher learning in the United States.

The program helps researchers to garner expertise, practical knowledge and skills that they can bring back to Poland. Every year, the Foundation awards approximately 40 scholars with grants and fellowships worth over $400,000. The awardees conduct their research at top-ranking american universities, including Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University, Yale University, University of Chicago, Johns Hopkins University, University of Pennsylvania, University of California (Berkeley), Columbia University, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Duke University and Cornell University.

Types of scholarships:
  1. the Kosciuszko Foundation Fellowships allow postgraduate scholars, professionals or artists who have completed their Ph.D. to undertake postdoctoral research in the U.S. for 3 - 9 months;
  2. the Kosciuszko Foundation Grants allow graduate degree (M.A., M.S.) scholars, professionals or artists to conduct research in the U.S. for 3 - 6 months;
  3. the Kosciuszko Foundation Teaching Fellowships allow university faculty members to teach classes at U.S. universities, for up to 10 months. The lectures should focus on Polish Studies, including Polish language teaching and Polish culture.

There are no restrictions to fields of study/research for any of the above grants and fellowships.

  1. only Polish citizens and "Karta Polaka" holders* permanently residing in Poland are eligible. Poles living outside of Poland may NOT participate in this program;
  2. dual citizens (the United States and Poland) as well as individuals holding the United States permanent residency status (Green Card) are not eligible;
  3. applicants must hold an M.A. or M.S. degree prior to the commencement date of the award. The preference is given to doctoral or postdoctoral candidates;
  4. candidates need to submit a certificate of employment or enrollment in doctoral studies issued by a Polish academic institution;
  5. applicants must have strong English language proficiency, sufficient to participate effectively in formal and informal conversations on practical, social, and professional topics and to carry out the proposed study/research. English proficiency will be assessed during personal interviews in Warsaw;
  6. an applicant has to be eligible for the U.S. exchange visitor J-1 visa.

Monthly grant amount is usually around  $4,000 per month to cover living/accommodation costs and may depend on the duration of stay and location of study. The award cannot be paid prior to arrival in the United States.

Check here for more information.