L’Oréal International Awards in Physical sciences, Mathematics and Computer science – 2023 Call for nomination | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-04-08

L’Oréal International Awards in Physical sciences, Mathematics and Computer science – 2023 Call for nomination

For Women in Science - Foundation L'Oréal

The 2023 edition of the International Awards will designate five outstanding scientific researchers in the field of Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, working in the following regions:

  • Africa and the Arab States,
  • Asia and the Pacific,
  • Europe,
  • Latin America and the Caribbean,
  • North America.

One candidate will be selected for each of the five regions, the determining factor being the place of work for at least 5 years, not the nationality of the candidate.

Each of the five Laureates will receive an Award of €100,000.

Eligibility criteria

The candidate must:

  • be recognized for her scientific excellence by the international scientific community,
  • be actively involved in scientific research,
  • work in any of the scientific fields listed in Appendix 1.

There is no age limit for the candidate.

Selection criteria

The candidates’ selection criteria are the following:

  • the candidate’s outstanding contribution to the advancement of science,
  • the impact of the candidate's research on the current state of the relevant scientific field (number, quality and impact of publications, conference presentations, patents),
  • the recognition of the candidate by peers within her discipline through publications,
  • the recognition of the candidate’s commitments to education, teaching activities, mentoring and/or to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals more broadly
Nominations closing date:

May 31st, 2022.

Details and the program regulations are available here.