NCN for Ukraine | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-03-28

NCN for Ukraine

NCN for Ukraine

We are happy to inform that Polish National Science Centre opened up an additional channel of support for Ukrainian scientists who are fleeing the war. The principal investigators of NCN-funded projects may use their budgets to employ Ukrainian researchers in their teams for up to 1 year. Funds for that purpose may come from any item included in the cost estimate attached to the grant agreement signed with the NCN, and must not exceed 100,000 PLN.

Teams may employ researchers who hold at least a PhD degree (known as the Candidate of Sciences under the Ukrainian system) and who worked at Ukrainian universities and other research centres before the war. Their activities and research interests must match the subject of the project.

More information can be found in NCN's announcement dated 18.03.2022 available at
and in a letter sent directly to Polish academic institutions (in Polish):

Specific job offers in NCN-funded projects at our Faculty:

Offers from our Faculty to be included in the list above may be sent to Mrs. Paulina Staniszewska.

Job offers for scientists from Ukraine can also be submittes on the National Science Center website:

Other information about NCN's support for Ukraine: