Date added: 2022-03-24
CEEPUS for Ukraine
„Freemover UA” scholarships are intented for students and research workers of accredited universities from Ukraine who cooperate with universities in Poland. The condition for applying for the scholarship is the submission by the applicant an
To apply for the scholarship, an applicant has to submit electronic application via the CEEPUS system available on the Program’s website with included teaching plan for students or didactics for academic teachers approved by the host University in Poland.
Call for application is continuous.
Conditions for the application „Freemover UA”:
- application must be submitted via the website,
- obtaining the agreement of the host university for the internship as part of the Freemover UA mobility – Letter of Acceptance with a work plan.
The document in electronic form must contain:
- approval of the university for the implementation of the work plan under the scholarship,
- name, surname and other data of the applicant - scholarship holder and the number of the submitted application in the CEEPUS system,
- work plan with the number of hours and topics of classes or other forms of academic cooperation (e.g. seminars, laboratory or field classes, etc.).
The scholarship holder will receive a scholarship in the amount published on the website
In the CEEPUS Announcements tab are available documents related to the open action for Ukraine.
Scholarships to the USA – apply until May 26
The Bekker NAWA Programme
Poland My First Choice NAWA Programme