Kamil K. Kolincio PhD. - laureate of two original international programs from the Polish National Agency of Academic Exchange (NAWA). | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-01-21

Kamil K. Kolincio PhD. - laureate of two original international programs from the Polish National Agency of Academic Exchange (NAWA).

Since 2018, the NAWA Agency, as part of its activities, carries out joint research projects with foreign partners. In the edition Nabory 2021, a laureate of two programs is Kamil K. Kolincio, PhD. from Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, Institute of Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering, Division of Nanomaterials Physics.

The actions developed by K.K. Kolincio will be implemented in 2022-2023 between Poland (Gdansk University of Technology) and France (Campus France) - within the framework of joint PHC Polonium research projects - and between Poland (Gdansk University of Technology) and Austria (Österreichs Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung), respectively.

The subject of the project realized in cooperation with scientists working at CRISMAT - Laboratoire de Cristallographie et Sciences des Matériaux in Caen, is the study of new quantum and quasi-low dimensional oxide materials. The research activities planned in cooperation with scientists from the Vienna University of Technology in Austria, will be devoted to the study of electron and magnetic structures of selected materials with strong electron correlations.

Wishing you tangible results - congratulations.