Date added: 2023-01-04
Seminar of the Institute of Nanotechnology and Materials Engineering by Duygu Yazici PhD

On January 23, 2023 at 9:15 a.m., the fourth seminar of the Institute of Nanotechnology and Materials Science will be presented via the MS Teams platform. During the seminar Dr. Duygu Yazici from The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) will talk about the synergy between experimental low-temperature techniques, synthesis of materials and the impact it has on progress in condensed matter physics. The results of experimental studies of chemical compounds in which the phenomenon of strong electron correlation occurs will also be presented.
The seminar will be presented in English
Most of the major technological advances of the past several decades have been facilitated by breakthroughs in condensed matter physics that were driven by the discovery of new materials. It is broadly expected that the next generation of technological innovations will depend on properties that emerge from strong electronic correlations in the functional materials of the future. Our ability to efficiently harness such phenomena, including high-temperature superconductivity, metal-insulator transitions, and many others, in materials that are tailored for optimal performance is inexorably coupled to the depth of our understanding of the underlying mechanisms that drive them.
In this seminar, I will present results from correlated electron materials, where a diverse toolbox of synthesis techniques has proven to be essential for uncovering their fundamental behavior. In particular, I will address the exploration of phase diagrams to search for emergent phenomena and develop physical insight. Based on these results, I will demonstrate that the interface between low-temperature techniques and materials synthesis provides an ideal environment for driving advances in condensed matter physics.
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