Recognition of scientific degrees awarded abroad conducted by the Scientific Discipline Board of Materials Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology

Legal basis:

• The Act of 20 July 2018, Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws, item 1668) (Article 328),

• Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 28 September 2018 on the recognition of academic degrees and degrees in art awarded abroad,

• The Statute of Gdańsk University of Technology of 10 February 2021 (§ 38, sect. 2).

Scientific degrees recognized by the Scientific Discipline Board of Materials Engineering:

The Scientific Discipline Board of Materials Engineering of Gdańsk University of Technology, referred to as the Board, may recognize scientific degrees awarded abroad as equivalent to:

  • Polish habilitation in Materials Engineering,
  • Polish doctoral degree in Materials Engineering.

Initiation of the procedure:

The recognition procedure is initiated upon a written request of the person applying for recognition of the scientific degree as equivalent to the relevant Polish scientific degree submitted to the Chair of the Board. A template of the request:

application for the initiation of a degree recognition Materials Engineering (docx, 17.81kB)

The initiation date of the procedure is the date of delivery of the application to the Board.

Required documents:

The application should be accompanied by:

A) in the case of the recognition of the scientific degree as equivalent to a Polish doctoral degree:

1) a diploma confirming awarding of this degree*,

2) documents being the basis for awarding this degree*,

3) a diploma of graduation entitling to apply for the award of the doctoral degree, e.g., a Master's degree diploma*.

B) in the case of applying for recognition of the scientific degree as equivalent to Polish habilitation:

1) a diploma confirming awarding of this degree*,

2) documents confirming scientific achievements constituting the basis for awarding this degree*,

3) a diploma confirming the award of the scientific degree entitling to initiate the procedure for awarding the degree to be recognized, e.g., a doctoral degree diploma*. 

4) applicant's declaration stating**:

  • whether the academic degree undergoing recognition was the subject of the recognition procedure in the Republic of Poland,
  • applicant’s place and date of birth.


*The diploma confirming the award of a doctoral degree or habilitation must be translated into Polish by a sworn translator from the list of sworn translators kept by the Minister of Justice or by a foreign translator. In the latter case, translation has to be certified by a competent Polish consul. The documents listed in points 1), 2) and 3) may be submitted in the form of copies certified by the Board as true copies of the original.

**If the applicant is using the template of a request to initiate the recognition procedure provided above a separate declaration is not necessary.

After conducting the formal assessment of the application, the Board may require the applicant to:

  • present regular translation into Polish of the documents referred to in sect. A) or B), points 1), 2) and 3),
  • in particularly justified cases, submit a translation into Polish of the documents referred to in sect. A) or B), point 2), drawn up and certified by a sworn translator or drawn up by a foreign translator and certified by a competent consul of the Republic of Poland.

In the event of the incompleteness of the application the Board will request the applicant to supplement it within a period of not less than 14 days, under pain of leaving the application without consideration.

Recognition decisions:

After formal and content-related evaluation of the application, the Board adopts a resolution on recognizing or refusing to recognize the scientific degree.

In the event of adopting a resolution on recognizing a scientific degree, the Rector shall issue a certificate stating that the scientific degree obtained abroad is equivalent to the Polish scientific degree.

If there are no grounds to proceed with the recognition, the Board shall issue a decision refusing to conduct the recognition subject to a complaint.

Recognition decision waiting times:

The Board recognizes or refuses to recognize the scientific degree as equivalent to the appropriate Polish scientific degree within 90 days from submitting the application that meets the formal requirements.

The periods set for the submission of the translation of documents and the preparation of the reviews are not included in this deadline.


A PLN 3,000 fee is charged for the recognition procedure after confirming the formal correctness of the application. It is non-refundable in the event of refusal to recognize the scientific degree as equivalent to the Polish scientific degree. The fee is paid within the deadline, not shorter than 14 days after the formal evaluation, specified along with the bank account number by Gdańsk University of Technology.

In justified cases, inter alia a planned employment at Gdańsk University of Technology, the applicant may be exempt from the fee based on a Rector's decision.

If the Board issues a decision refusing to conduct the recognition the fee shall not be collected.