Date added: 2022-09-22
CompAS 2022

The international, cyclical CompAS 2022 (Computational Atomic Structure) conference will be held on October 1-3, 2022 at the Eureka Complex in Sopot and at the Gdańsk Technical University Campus.
The CompAS group is the patron of the conference.
On behalf of the Gdańsk University of Technology, the organizers are: Paweł Syty, PhD. Eng., and Professor Józef E. Sienkiewicz.
The Computational Atomic Structure Group is an international research group developing computer software for relativistic calculations of atomic structures. Every year, the group organizes a scientific conference for its members and guests, during which the latest scientific achievements in atomic physics, scientific plans for the next year are presented and discussed, and workshops are conducted to present new computational modules.
In previous years, conferences were held at the Universities of Lund / Malmo and Brussels.
During this year's conference, the latest computational achievements in atomic physics will be discussed, including:
• large-scale spectroscopic computations for applications in astrophysics and nuclear fusion,
• research on hyperfine structure, isotope shifts, transition probabilities and other properties of atoms, including heavy and super heavy, and negative ions,
• continuous processes, including inelastic scattering of electrons by atoms.
Activities under the conference transfere into establishing new research cooperation, deepening the already existing cooperation and accelerating the implementation of the research that has already begun.
Cooperation with Klimawent S.A.