Experimental Techniques

Electron spectrometer with magnetic angle-changer

spektrometr TW

The electron spectrometer consists of electron gun, a rotatable electron analyser and a source of magnetic field. Both electron monochromator and analyser contain double hemispherical selectors (each hemisphfere of a mean radius of 5cm) and a tripple cylindrical lenses. The gas eneters to the scattering region through a capilary and crosses the electron beam perpendicularly.

Optical excitation spectrometer

spektrometr TW trochoidalny

In the spectrometer the electron beam is selected in a trochoidal deflector in which a uniform electric field is applied. The electric field is perpendicular to the magnetic field produced by external magnet. In the interaction region monochromatic electron beam collides with atomic or molecular gas leading to optical excitation of the target. The fluorescence photons are analised by an optical monochromator and detected by a photomultiplier.

Quadrupole mass spectrometer

spektrometr TW kwadrupolowy

The mass spectra and the energy dependences of the ionic fragmentation yields are measured employing the quadrupole mass spectrometer EPIC 300, Hiden Analytical Ltd..