
Module I :
Online: 19-23 June 2023 (30h)

19.06.2023. Monday.
Part I.  Jean Clairambault 4h
-   9:00-10:30, lectures
- 10:30-11:00, coffee break
- 11:00-12:30, lectures

Part II.  Jonathan Jaquette 3h
- 15:00-16:30, lectures
- 16:30-16:45, coffee break
- 16:45-17:30, lectures

20.06.2023. Tuesday.
Part I. Jean Clairambault 2h
-   9:00-9:45, lectures
-   9:45-10:00, coffee break 
- 10:00-10:45, panel discussion 

Part II. Jonathan Jaquette 3h
- 15:00-16:30, lectures
- 16:30-16:45, coffee break
- 16:45-17:30, panel discussion

21.06.2023. Wednesday. 

Part I. Paweł Dłotko 4h 
-   9:00-10:30, lectures
- 10:30-11:00, coffee break
- 11:00-12:30, lectures/panel discussion

Part II. Juan Belmonte-Beitia 2h
- 13:30-15:00, lectures   

22.06.2023. Thursday.
Part I. Piotr Bartłomiejczyk 3h
-   9:00-10:30, lectures
- 10:30-10:45, coffee break
- 10:45-11:30, panel discussion

Part II. Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska 3h
- 12:30-14:00, lectures
- 14:00-14:15, coffee break
- 14:15-15:00, panel discussion

23.06.2023. Friday.
Part I. Juan Belmonte-Beitia 4h
-   9:00-10:30, lectures
- 10:30-11:00, coffee break
- 11:00-12:30, lectures/panel discussion

Part II.  Jacek Brodzki 2h
- 13:30-15:00, lectures 

Module II
Hybrid (in-person and online): 26-30 June 2023

26.06.2023. Monday. Paweł Pilarczyk 8h

-  9:00-10:30, lectures, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A
- 10:30-11:00, coffee break, Nanotechnology Center A
- 11:00-12:30, lectures, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A
- 12:30-13:30, lunch break 
- 13:30-15:00, lectures, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A
- 15:00-15:30, coffee break, Nanotechnology Center A
- 15:30-17:00, panel discussion, Room 3/08, Nanotechnology Center A

27.06.2023. Tuesday.
Part I. Marek Bodnar 4h
-  9:00-10:30, lectures, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A
- 10:30-11:00, coffee break, Nanotechnology Center A
- 11:00-12:30, lectures, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A
- 12:30-13:30, lunch break 

Part II. Urszula Foryś 4h
- 13:30-15:00, lectures, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A
- 15:00-15:30, coffee break, Nanotechnology Center A
- 15:30-17:00, lectures, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A

28.06.2023. Wednesday.
Part I. Marek Bodnar 4h
-  9:00-10:30, lectures, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A
- 10:30-11:00, coffee break, Nanotechnology Center A
- 11:00-12:30, panel discussion, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A
- 12:30-13:30, lunch break 

Part II. Urszula Foryś 4h
- 13:30-15:00, lectures, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A
- 15:00-15:30, coffee break, Nanotechnology Center A
- 15:30-17:00, panel discussion, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A

29.06.2023. Thursday. Krzysztof Bartoszek 8h
-  9:00-10:30, lectures, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A
- 10:30-11:00, coffee break, Nanotechnology Center A
- 11:00-12:30, lectures, Auditorium 3/11, Nanotechnology Center A
- 12:30-13:30, lunch break 
- 13:30-15:00, lectures, Room 3/08, Nanotechnology Center A
- 15:00-15:30, coffee break, Nanotechnology Center A
- 15:30-17:00, panel discussion, Room 3/08, Nanotechnology Center A

30.06.2023. Friday.
- 9:30 coffee break
- 10:00 lecture on the history and architecture of Gdańsk Tech and the city (hybrid)
- 11:00 walk around the campus of Gdańsk Tech
- 12:30-13:00 coffee break
- 13:00 visit to the European Solidarity Centre (in-person)
- 13:00 The Fall of Empire – the history of Solidarity and its impact (online)

Note: Lunches are not covered by the organizers of the summer school.