The Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics (FAP&M) of Gdańsk University of Technology

invites international undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students to 8 free summer schools organized in 2022 and 2023 within the ScienceApp project.

Thanks to external financing, participation in our summer schools is free. Each student can apply to only one event within this project. Fifteen non-Polish students taking part in the in-person classes will be awarded an additional scholarship of 2 000 PLN to cover travel, accommodation and other expenses related to participation in the project. Detailed information can be found in the Financing section of each of the events.


ScienceApp - is an educational project concerning intensive, international education programs in the field of applied sciences – Mathematics, Physics, Materials Engineering, Nanotechnology, Applied Computer Science, and Electronics. It aims to encourage active and ambitious international students of all cycles to undertake education in these applied sciences, and to promote the Faculty and the university in the international environment.

All summer schools are conducted in English by international and Polish specialists from FAP&M or collaborating with our Faculty. Each event will consist of 2 parts. The first part is held online, the second in the hybrid mode (in-person at Gdańsk Tech + online). 
Our intensive courses have many practical elements. They are strictly related to research, which should improve the ability of course participants to tackle complex scientific issues. Students can choose from a wide variety of topics covered by the following courses: 

1. Advances in Functional Materials Summer School in Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry and Electronics, one edition, 2023.
2. QUEUE (Quantum and Molecules) Summer School in Physics, Nanotechnology, and Mathematical Engineering, three editions, 2022 and 2023.
3. TopDynSystAction (Topology and Dynamical Systems in Action) Summer School in the field of Mathematics, one edition, 2023.
4. Scattering Theory Summer School in Theoretical Physics, Materials Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science, two editions, 2022 and 2023.
5. Molecular photosensitizers for solar energy conversion: Theoretical and experimental methods to assess and optimize their properties Summer School in the field of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematical Engineering, Applied Informatics, and Electronics, one edition, 2023.
6. Multiscale Methods Summer School in Theoretical Physics, Materials Science, Mathematics, and Computer Science, one edition, 2023

These intensive courses are addressed mainly to 2nd and 3rd cycle students. Each of the summer schools is a separate course, with a specific number of ECTS points and a compulsory part integrated with a given subject, promoting the culture and history of Poland, especially the region. 

Students opinions on blended and distance learning gathered during the project will be used for further development of modern educational technologies, favoring the internationalization of the Faculty and the entire university. 

This project is run within the frame of the SPINNAKER program - Intensive International Education Programs, organized by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), financed by the European Union under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program (Action 3.3. Internationalization of Higher Education). The budget of the project is PLN 726,900.00.

Pick the school that fits your interests and join us!