Simone Taioli

European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*), Trento/Italy

Link to the personal webpage:

Scattering of waves and particles: theory and calculations

"These lectures deal with the foundations of classical and quantum scattering theory, related but not limited to the general formalism and notions of the theory of potential scattering. The application of these methods to problems in nuclear, atomic, and condensed matter physics will be discussed. 
Moreover, we aim to describe a few computational/numerical  methods to interpret scattering experiments."

Maurizio Dapor

European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*) and University of Trento, Trento/Italy

Link to the personal webpage:

Electron-Atom Collisions and Spin-Polarization Phenomena

This course deals with collisions of electrons with atoms. Both the nonrelativistic and the relativistic theories are presented. 
The first part of the course is dedicated to the basic principles. In particular we will describe the nonrelativistic approach to the study of electron–atom scattering and introduce the Pauli matrices and spin.
In the second part of the course, the concepts of polarized electrons and of statistical mixture of spin states are introduced (density matrix formalism).
In the third part of the course, after an introduction to the quantum relativistic equations (Klein–Gordon equation and Dirac equation), the Mott theory is described. It represents the quantum-relativistic theory of elastic scattering of electrons by central fields. 
The role of spin polarization in elastic scattering, the scattering matrix for the spin, the spin-polarization dependence of the elastic scattering, and the spin-polarization of an electron beam by scattering will conclude the course.

Paweł Możejko

Gdańsk University of Technology, Gdańsk/Poland

Link to the personal webpage:,11343-1 

Experimental methods in electron atom / molecules collisions

"The lecture "Experimental methods in electron atom / molecules collisions" will be devoted to the study of low-energy electron collisions with matter. The present-day motivation for such studies will be presented as well as the basic quantities describing the collision processes and experimental techniques used to measure them. Particular attention will be paid to the sources of measurement uncertainty and the determination of cross-sections for a given process on an absolute scale. There will also be an overview of the experimental results and their comparison with the results of theoretical calculations."