An article by scientists from the Institute of Physics and Applied Computer Science among most downloaded ones | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-11-08

An article by scientists from the Institute of Physics and Applied Computer Science among most downloaded ones

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We are pleased to announce that the article authored by Patryk Jasik, Piotr Łobacz, and Józef E. Sienkiewicz titled “Potential energy curves, transition and permanent dipole moments of KRb” is among the most frequently downloaded articles in the journal Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables.

The article presents the results of theoretical studies concerning the electronic structure of the KRb molecule. Advanced calculations were conducted during the research, resulting in 48 potential energy curves for the electronic states 1,3Sigma+, 1,3Sigma-, 1,3Pi and 1,3Delta, 48 permanent dipole moments, and 356 allowed transition dipole moments for all the determined electronic states of the KRb molecule.

Patryk Jasik, Piotr Łobacz, Józef E. Sienkiewicz, “Potential energy curves, transition and permanent dipole moments of KRb”, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 149 (2023) 101558,