Faculty Authorities for the 2024-2028 term | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2024-09-12

Faculty Authorities for the 2024-2028 term

6 people standing side by side
From the left: Marek Żabczyński, Beata Bochentyn, Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryń, Paweł Możejko, Brygida Mielewska, Grzegorz Graff (photo by Paulina Staniszewska)

On September the 1st, a new term of office has begun for our Faculty's Authorities. They are:

Ph.D., D.Sc. Paweł Możejko, Gdańsk Tech professor - Dean of the Faculty 

Graff Grzegorz, professor - Vice-Dean for Research

Aleksandra Mielewczyk-Gryń, Ph.D, D.Sc., Eng., Gdańsk Tech professor - Vice-Dean for Organization

Beata Bochentyn, Ph.D, D.Sc., Eng., Gdańsk Tech professor - Vice-Dean for Education

Brygida MielewskaPh.D., Gdańsk Tech professor - Vice-Dean for Students Affairs

Marek Żabczyński, M.Sc., Eng. - Administrative Director.