Scholarship offer for PhD students within the OPUS 23 research project | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-10-19

Scholarship offer for PhD students within the OPUS 23 research project

National Science Center (Poland) – logotype
We are announcing a competition for the position of a Scholarship holder/PhD student in the research project entitled: "Solid state synthesis in preparation of new intermetallic compounds" (no. UMO-2022/45/B/ST5/03916), which received funding under the OPUS 23 competition organized by the National Science Center (Poland).

Employment as an assistant researcher (PhD-student) at the project OPUS 23 (UMO-2022/45/B/ST5/03916) entitled: Solid state synthesis in preparation of new intermetallic compounds financed by National Science Center (Poland).

NCN competition type:


Description of research tasks within the project:
  • synthesis of intermetallic compounds using the arc-melting and solid state reaction methods;
  • powder x-ray diffraction analysis;
  • physical property measurements and analysis of electrical resistivity, magnetization and specific heat data.
Admission requirements:
  • must be a participant of a doctoral school;
  • must have a good command of English (written and spoken) and interpersonal communication;
  • high motivation to conduct research;
  • flexible working hours.

Candidates with additional experience in the areas listed below will be preferred:

  1. FullProf package or HighScore,
  2. OriginLab,
  3. Quantum Design PPMS system.
Form of employment:

Scholarship contract from 01/11/2023 to 31/10/2024.

Scholarship for 12 months with the possibility of extension.

We offer 5 000 PLN per month.

Procedures for the recruitment:
  1. 1st Stage – an assessment of submitted applications.

Applicants should submit:

  • Full CV;
  • A motivation letter stating the current/future interests, including description of scientific activity: completed courses, conferences, research projects, publications, etc. Please include a statement: "In accordance with the personal data protection act, I hereby agree to process and to store my personal data for recruitment purposes”.
  1. 2nd Stage – a qualifying interview (Zoom Video Communications) with selected candidates.
Terms and Conditions:

The candidate is required to implement all steps to obtain a PhD degree.

Additional information:

For informal inquiries about the project and application procedure, please, contact prof. Tomasz Klimczuk (, +48 58 348 66 11) prior to the deadline of 30th October, 2023 (09:00 am).

Please send the application (PDF files) via email to:  (Please title the email “OPUS 23 – PhD student application”)

The assessment of candidates' applications will be carried out by the competition committee in accordance with the regulations for awarding research scholarships in NCN projects.

The competition results will be announced by 31th October, 2023.

Number of positions available: 1