NCN OPUS 23 – scholarship offer results | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-03-08

NCN OPUS 23 – scholarship offer results

Gdańsk University of Technology

On February 24th, 2023, the Competition Commitee selected candidates for the position of Student/Scholarship Holder in order to carry out research tasks within the research project entitled „Sold state synthesis in preparation of new intermetallic compounds” (UMO-2022/45/B/ST5/03916).

The Committe, during the evaluation process, took into account criteria described in the appendix to the NCN Council resolution No. 25/2019 of 14 March 2019. As a result of the vote, the Commitee awarded the scholarship to the following candidates:

  1. Eng. Zofia Stożek,
  2. Eng. Damian Baksalary.

The protocol of the meeting of the Competition Commitee is available below.

Protokół z posiedzenia Komisji Konkursowej (pdf, 656.35kB)