Date added: 2023-03-06
Free international PHOTOMOL Summer School at Gdańsk Tech, 26.06-07.07.2023

The event will be held this summer, between 26 June and 07 July, 2023.
The goal of the summer school is to present theoretical and experimental methods to investigate molecular and supramolecular photosensitizers used in solar energy conversion applications. This concerns molecular photocatalysts for hydrogen production as well as transition metal complexes employed as photosensitizers in dye-sensitized solar cells.
PHOTOMOL is perfect for all young scientists and students who wish to learn basic and advanced methods in theoretical chemistry. The students will learn how to perform quantum-chemical computation on molecules, how to calculate spectra for the most commonly employed spectroscopic techniques, how to model electron and energy transfer processes and how to describe the effects of the liquid phase. Moreover, the students will be introduced to the experimental spectroscopic techniques employed to study molecular photosensitizers. The detailed program can be found at the school website.
PHOTOMOL will be run in a hybrid mode (in-person and online). Participation in this intensive program is free of charge. Fifteen non-Polish students will be awarded a fellowship to partially reimburse the costs of the travel and living in Gdańsk. All Participants will receive a diploma certifying acquired skills and learning outcomes, and ECTS credits collected during the training that may be recognized by the home institution.
Click here to register to this event. Registration deadline is 10 April, 2023. Do not forget to read the regulations carefully prior to registration.
Classes will be delivered by Dr. Stephan Kupfer, Dr. Georgina Shillito, Dr. Martin Richter and Dr. Julien Guthmuller - the chair of the PHOTOMOL Summer School. In addition, activities related to the history of Gdańsk and its culture will be provided by Prof Justyna Borucka, from the Faculty of Architecture, and the European Solidarity Centre.
ScienceApp project is run within the frame of the SPINNAKER program - Intensive International Curricula, organized by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), financed by the European Union under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program (Action 3.3. Internationalization of Higher Education). The budget of the project is PLN 726,900.00. ScienceApp aims to attract talented international students and young researchers to Gdańsk Tech.

New intercultural program – apply now