Scholarship offer – NCN OPUS 23 | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2023-02-01

Scholarship offer – NCN OPUS 23

Gdańsk University of Technology
Research Assistant (MSc-student) at Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at Gdansk University of Technology - 2 positions - scholarship

Employment as an assistant researcher (MSc student) at the project OPUS 23 (UMO-2022/45/B/ST5/03916) pt. Solid state synthesis in preparation of new intermetallic compounds from National Centre of Science (Poland).

 Description of project tasks:
• synthesis of intermetallic compounds using the arc-melting and solid state reaction methods;
• powder x-ray diffraction analysis;
• physical property measurements and analysis of electrical resistivity, magnetization and specific heat data.

Admission requirements:
• Must have a good command of English (written and spoken) and interpersonal communication.
• High motivation to conduct research.
• Flexible working hours.

Candidates with additional experience in the areas listed below will be preferred:
- FullProf package or HighScore,
- OriginLab,
- Quantum Design PPMS system.

Form of employment:

Scholarship from 01/03/2023 to 29/02/2024.

Scholarship for 12 months with the possibility of extension.

We offer 2 500 PLN per month.

Procedures for the recruitment:
1st Stage – an assessment of written applications.
Applicants should submit:
• Full CV,
• A motivation letter stating the current/future interests, including description of scientific activity: completed courses, conferences, research projects, publications, etc. Please include a statement:
"In accordance with the personal data protection act, I hereby agree to process and to store my personal data for recruitment purposes”.

2nd Stage – a qualifying interview (
Zoom Video Communications) with selected candidates.

Terms and Conditions:
The candidate is required to implement all steps to obtain a MSc degree.

For informal inquiries about the project and application procedure, please, contact prof. Tomasz Klimczuk prior to the deadline of February 23, 2023 (11:59 pm).

Please send the application via email to:  (Please title the email “OPUS23 - student application”)

Nr of positions available: 2