Date added: 2022-06-14
Doctoral Summer School „Computation and Modelling” – 4-8 July 2022

The doctoral summer school Computation and Modelling will take place 4-8 July 2022 (Monday-Friday) on the main campus of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The school is organized by the Doctoral School of WUST under the InterdocSchool Project of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and by K. Bogdan (WUST).
The school focuses on modern methods of statistical learning and machine learning and provides tools useful for all STEM Ph.D. students. The main program of the summer school consists of the following courses:
- Analysis of data with missing observations - Tomasz Burzykowski (Hasselt),
- Exact simulation of diffusions - Krzysztof Łatuszyński (Warwick),
- Linear regression and convex optimization - Mathurin Massias (Lyon),
- Recent Techniques in Machine Learning and Deep Learning - Andrzej Stós (Angers),
- Graphical models and their application - Piotr Zwiernik (Toronto).
We can admit up to 20 doctoral students from outside the Doctoral School of WUST. More information and registration can be found at
Plakat_link (pdf, 1.35MB)-
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