Series of trainings on the e-learning platform | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-01-17

Series of trainings on the e-learning platform

Dr. Karol Flisikowski from the Faculty of Management and Economics invites to a series of three trainings on the use of basic and more advanced functionalities of the e-learning platform.

The trainings will be held remotely on three consecutive Fridays of January.

  • Quizzes and Tasks – January 14th at 4 p.m.
  1. Tests - wizard, types and database of questions, random test content, settings.
  2. Quick creating questions for tests.
  3. Tasks and projects on the course.
  4. Q&A
  • Basic functionalities of the platform - January 21st at 4 p.m.
    1. E-course as a complement to the standard teaching mode. Examples, suggested solutions.
    2. How to make the course content visually attractive?
    3. Course navigation - layout, transitions, conditioning.
    4. Course reports - student work activity, grading log, logs, attendance.
    5. Q&A.
  • Advanced functionalities of the platform - January 28th at 4 p.m.
    1. Workshop work on an e-course.
    2. Surveys, boards, cooperation during classes (activation methods).
    3. Dictionary of terms, questionnaire, feedback.
    4. Book and Wiki.
    5. Badges.
    6. Certificates.
    7. Q&A.


Webinars will be held on the MS Teams platform.