Research on perovskite solar cells | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-01-19

Research on perovskite solar cells

Damian Głowienka
The article of Damian Głowienka in collaboration with Yulia Galagan from National Taiwan University (NTU) has been published in high impact factor journal Advanced Materials (Impact Factor 30.849). The publication has been chosen on the cover page of the issue.

The number of publications on perovskite solar cells (PSCs) continues to grow exponentially. Although the efficiency of PSCs has exceeded 25.5%, not every research laboratory can reproduce this result or even pass the border of 20%. Unfortunately, it is not always clear which dominating mechanism is responsible for the performance drop. Here, a simple method of light intensity analysis of the JV parameters is developed, allowing an understanding of what the mechanisms are that appear in the solar cell and limit device performance. The developed method is supported by the drift-diffusion model and is aimed at helping in the explanation of parasitic losses from the interface or bulk recombination, series resistance, or shunt resistance in the perovskite solar cell. This method can help not only point toward the dominating of bulk or interface recombination in the devices but also determine which interface is more defective. A detailed and stepwise guidance for such a type of light intensity analysis of JV parameters is provided. The proposed method and the conclusions of this study are supported by a series of case studies, showing the effectiveness of the proposed method on real examples.

Publication: Głowienka D., Galagan, Y., Light Intensity Analysis of Photovoltaic Parameters for Perovskite Solar Cells. Adv. Mater. 2022, 34, 2105920


Journal cover:

ADMA-34(2)_OFC (pdf, 2.83MB)