71st Physics Olimpiad | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2022-01-25

71st Physics Olimpiad

Nanotechnology Centre A
The theoretical part of the 2nd stage of the National Physics Olympiad is already completed. Now, we are looking forward to the experimental part of the contest that will take place on February 20, 2022!

The theoretical part of the Olympiad was held on January 16, 2022, at the Nanotechnology Centre A of Gdańsk University of Technology, under the supervision of the employees of the Institute of Nanotechnology and Materials Science. Thanks to their support, it was possible to organize the competition in the in-person mode, according to the sanitary regime regulations related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this year's edition, the 2nd stage of the Olympics was entered by 52 secondary school students from the Gdańsk district. Participants were challenged to solve 3 complex theoretical tasks within 4.5 h. The experimental part of qualifications will take place on February 20, 2022, again at the premises of Gdańsk Tech. Fingers crossed for our young future scientists!