Young members of the Faculty staff awarded with the Scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-09-13

Young members of the Faculty staff awarded with the Scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists

Phot. Paulina Staniszewska
We are very pleased to announce that two members of our faculty – Karolina Górnicka M.Sc. and Sebastian Wachowski, Ph.D.– are on the list of 217 outstanding scientists selected by the Ministry's expert team from among applications from all over the country. Congratulations to our colleagues!

Taking into account the entire university, as many as six young scientists from the Gdańsk University of Technology were awarded a scholarship. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the awarded. Together with our Faculty members, the awarded are: Mohammad Malikan, M.Sc., Erwin Wojtczak, Ph.D., Beata Zima, Ph.D., and Mariusz Szkoda, Ph.D. We wish all young scientists from Gdańsk Tech further success!