Virtual Open Days at the Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics! | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2021-03-22

Virtual Open Days at the Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics!

Virtual Open Day at the Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics!


We invite all the interested on March 19, 2021 from 10.00 am to the Virtual Open Day of our faculty.

Main event will be streamed live on Youtube and there you will find there:

10.00 – 10.15 Official opening of the event by the vice dean dr eng. Brygida Mielewska

10.15 – 11.00 Mathematics vs. Pandemic – the lecture by dr Agnieszka Bartłomiejczyk

11:00 – 11:15 Studies mean learning… and much more, - a warm welcome by the Faculty Students Board members.

11.15 – 11:30 International studies? No problem! A short speech be the faculty coordinator of the International Cooperation Bureau. - dr eng. Justyna Szostak

11:30 – 13:00 Presentation of study areas: Technical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science, Mathematics and Nanotechnology.


13.00-14.00, Virtual tour of the Main Building of the University and Nanotechnology Center A.

MS Teams transmission link:

In addition to that three video-chats will be available where you would be able to talk to students and graduates of our faculty and get the information about studies from the people with a hands on experience,

Video-chat Mathematics:

Video-chat Technical Physics and Biomedical Engineering:

Video-chat Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology: