Towards Effective Flow Control and Mitigation of Shock Effects in Aeronautical Applications | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Date added: 2020-11-05

Towards Effective Flow Control and Mitigation of Shock Effects in Aeronautical Applications


The INSTITUTE OF FLUID-FLOW MACHINERY POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, that collaborates with the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, is looking for PhD students. Doctoral studies will be realized within the European H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Innovative Training Networks project “Towards Effective Flow Control and Mitigation of Shock Effects in Aeronautical Applications” funded by the European Commission.  The details about this project and the application process can be found here

All questions regarding the project should be sent to Professor Paweł Flaszyński, Head of the Aerodynamics Department, at

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