Marta Szłuińska | Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics at the Gdańsk University of Technology

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Marta Szłuińska

Marta Szłuińska graduated from the Technical Physics at AP&M Faculty in 1998. The thesis entitled "Electron spectrometer for measuring reverse scattering" was prepared under the supervision of Prof. Mariusz Zubek.


Marta received her PhD in experimental ionisation processes induced by positons at University College London in the United Kingdom under the supervision of Prof. Gaetan Laricchi. During her short scientific career, she researched the interactions of matter and antimatter, and later on the effects of radiation on living cells.

She then started to work at consulting companies, which allowed her to use analytical skills to solve complex problems. As a consultant and analyst, she was responsible for developing and implementing a technology strategy for BAE Systems Applied Intelligence. At Transport Systems Catapult company she was responsible for developing a technology strategy for British Intelligent Transport. This strategy sets out how the UK can lead this fast-growing global market.

Marta specializes in cooperation with experienced teams of entrepreneurs who create new companies or implement innovations in existing organizations. This passion led her to co-found a start-up the goal of which is to find the best way to design and build new technology companies. Marta lives with her husband James in London.