If you are interested in studying in English at the Faculty of Applied Physics and Mathematics, please contact these people. We invite you cordially !!!



Justyna Szostak, Ph.D., Eng.

Coordinator of the International Relations Office at FAP&M

Dean’s Proxy for Internationalization

Erasmus+ Faculty Coordinator for double-degree students

tel.+48 58 347 20 22

e-mail: justyna.szostak@pg.edu.pl
Main Building, room 109 C



Agnieszka Witkowska, Ph.D., D.Sc. Eng., Gdańsk Tech professor

The head of the specialty Nanostructures and computer simulations in material science, in English, supported by the National Centre of Research and Development of Poland

tel. +48 58 348 66 08
e-mail: agnieszka.witkowska@pg.edu.pl